Cycling Archives -

My June 2024

My review of June 2024.

My May 2024

Delay. Ahhh. I blinked and one week has passed. I am away this Saturday too. I imagine I will publish this on the 9th. This being the case, that’s roughly 44% of the year gone. This month I started, albeit briefly, to try to wake up earlier. I got stuff done before the day started. […]

Oh bollards! Well, oh barrier!

A story from last year. “Oh bollards,” or, more likely something stronger, slipped out of my mouth when I was cycling through Croyland Park in Wellingborough and was presented with a new barrier completely blocking my path. Through a rather lengthy campaign, I got North Northants Council to replace their recently installed barrier, which completely […]

My April 2024

My April 2024

Dear Diary, As the moment I am writing this, 33% of 2024 is complete. My new habit that has formed this year is writing a blog post every month. It’s mainly a place I can mass upload lots of photos from the month some seeming quite meaningless but all meaningful to differing degrees. For someone […]

February 2024

My February 2024

Dear Diary, As with January, I have decided to review February and put some photos of the month here. It gives me a reason to reflect on the many photos I take. The way I have done it before with the yearly review means that because of the hundreds and hundreds of photos I have […]

My January 2024

Dear Diary, Quick update. Today is 32/366. 8.7% of the year is already complete. It feels like I have blinked and the month has gone but equally, as it is January, the month after festivities and extended break of Christmas, it seems to have lasted a long time. So far this month I have kept […]


First active week

Dear Diary, The first full week of 2024 has come to an end and I can safely say I have abided by one of my New Year’s Resolutions – to be more active.  I did set numerous others which I have broken, including getting to bed earlier, he writes at 1.40am, but increasing my activity […]

My 2023 review

Wooah. That took a while. I have spent some time on the very last day of 2023, and in truth a few days after, reflecting on the year gone by. The main way this was done was by looking at all of the photos I have taken from the year. There were a lot of […]

Weekend of cycling

This weekend just gone I was cycling everyday. It worked out that two cycling events fell on the Friday and Saturday and I arranged for the Sunday. Opps. Lots of pedalling! I was a bit tired towards the end of it, but each event is all about enabling and encouraging people to cycle so it […]

Kidical Mass Nottingham – fourth ride

The Sunday before last was the fourth Kidical Mass Nottingham ride. At the beginning of this year, the ride was only a concept in my mind but through planning, organisation and promotion, I rolled it out and brought together such a successful and growing group ride. This 4th ride was slightly different as the we […]

Kidical Mass Nottingham – third ride

The third Kidical Mass Nottingham.

Kidical Mass Nottingham – second ride

On the Sunday 18th June it was the second Kidical Mass Nottingham! The first ride was well attended despite a rainy morning so this time, with word getting out and the weather being on our side, 55 people attended! It was so heartwarming to see so many families being able to cycle around our city. […]

Kidical Mass Nottingham

Yesterday was the very first Kidical Mass cycle ride! I wanted to launch Kidical Mass here in Nottingham after deciding towards the end of last year that we needed a family oriented ride on a weekend day. In collaboration with the North South Active Travelway (NSAT), I pushed the idea of a family ride and […]

My 2022 review

If only I could understand how my mind works.  I posted an incredibly late review of my 2021 on the very last day of 2022 and thought to myself that with this new “do it” attitude it would mean that within a few days I would then upload the more recent photos from the year […]

Travel and Transport in Wellingborough and North Northants

We now have a new council – the North Northants Unitary and May 6th presents an opportunity to vote in a better solution in Wellingborough and North Northamptonshire.  With services all controlled by one authority, our overall travel and transport strategy can be unified and can be so much better if it becomes Labour controlled. […]

Pinch punch, first of the month

Hello March! Let’s March on with the blog! It is the first of March in case you hadn’t noticed and as is common for me to ask, how did that happen? Where does the time go – but I shall not ruminate on this as time passing quickly means we are closer to near normality. […]

My 2020

Happy New Year 2021! What a year 2020 has been! As I did at the beginning of the last year, I selected some photos from the previous twelve months to see what I had been up to.  Who would have suspected that in 2020 life as we knew it would to change so enormously so […]

First Critical Mass Wellingborough

Back on Friday 31st July 2020, Wellingborough held its first ever Critical Mass. What follows is collection of photos and videos from the day.    It was such a massive success.  At its peak, there were 67 people cycling in one big group.  As I have watched some of the videos back, it seemed […]

Coming up – Critical Mass Wellingborough

This coming Friday, the 31st July 2020 it is Wellingborough’s first ever Critical Mass.  This is a big group cycle ride to celebrate cycling but also to protest for change. This morning I was on BBC Radio Northampton (@2:11:39) to discuss cycling in Wellingborough. Yesterday I did the same for the BBC News website.  At […]

My 2019

My 2019

Happy New Year 2020! We enter a new year and a new decade. May it be a good one! As I reviewed my photos from 2019 I realised just how eventful the year has been. I’ve just read the piece I wrote back as we entered the year and I prophesied that “2019 will be […]