January 2024 - samuelshoesmith.uk

Brain angiogram

Dear diary, I recently wrote about how this year I aimed to be active every day and was working so well with getting long walks, runs, the gym, cycles and even a swim in, but then on Friday 12th, I had a scheduled brain angiogram so all exercise stopped for a whole week afterwards. Crryyy. […]


First active week

Dear Diary, The first full week of 2024 has come to an end and I can safely say I have abided by one of my New Year’s Resolutions – to be more active.  I did set numerous others which I have broken, including getting to bed earlier, he writes at 1.40am, but increasing my activity […]

My 2023 review

Wooah. That took a while. I have spent some time on the very last day of 2023, and in truth a few days after, reflecting on the year gone by. The main way this was done was by looking at all of the photos I have taken from the year. There were a lot of […]