My May 2024

Delay. Ahhh. I blinked and one week has passed. I am away this Saturday too. I imagine I will publish this on the 9th. This being the case, that’s roughly 44% of the year gone. This month I started, albeit briefly, to try to wake up earlier. I got stuff done before the day started. I soon slipped back into my ways of staying up late though during which time I am not functioning at my peak. But I continue stay up later to get more done, or at least feel I do, and then wake up later. The viscious circle continues.

Another busy month. Here are a few photos of the month to look back on. They do not represent my entire month. As this is a public site, the photos are censored. This public diary, gives me a chance to sit and spend some time thinking about the month gone by. It is perhaps an attempt to try to change my perception of time. Lots of walking, lots of running, starting Nottingham Front Runners, lots of cycling, with a bit of eating out, going out, campaigning, watching my first Eurovision (I know!), visiting Newstead Abbey for the first time and returning to Critical Mass London for the first time in about 6 years!

Speak soon,

Samuel x

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