Happy New Year!

2014 has been a wonderful year for me.  I have done so much.  Check out my previous posts to see some of my happenings this year. To name a few: I went to some amazing house parties, I’ve cycled naked on the streets of London, I’ve cycled from Wellingborough to Cambridge.  I’ve cycled from Wellingborough […]


  Hello, Little late with this observation but I have only just seen the advertisement. Just before the strike of 2.00am, in my room, I sat and watched some YouTube videos and an advertisement that played before one of them made me pause the video and question what it was reinforcing.  What? As a matter […]


UPDATE:  Monday 19th January 2015 – see bottom of article for changes. Hello, It has been a long time since my last post.  In between then and now, I have fully recovered after my bicycle incident on the A45 (see last post), I have been going to the gym a lot and I have been […]

A45 Bicycle Crash. Ouch.

Hello, Yesterday evening, at around 5.40pm I was hit whilst cycling along the A45.  I was knocked off my bicycle by a van travelling at about 65mph. The wing mirror clipped me and flung me into the grass verge.   My glasses were knocked off but luckily I wasn’t knocked out.  My head was painful […]

Critical Mass

Hello, Yesterday I took part in London’s Critical Mass.  As always, it was superb.  The atmosphere was amazing.  This is the third consecutive month, before that I was working the day in June, and back in May I took part in Nottingham’s Critical Mass. After a couple of hours we stopped outside Buckingham Palace and […]

Wheelchair [race] the tube

Hello, You may have seen the recent video entitled ‘Race the Tube – Sprint’ in which a man with working legs left the underground circle lane at Mansion House, ran along the street and back onto the same train as it approached Cannon Street. Impressive. In case you haven’t seen it. Here it is: The […]

London with Maureen

Hello, I might as well live in London. I was down yet again yesterday (Sunday) with my great cousin, Maureen. I adore spending time with her. But it had worked out with my final year of university that meeting up was put on hold. A final push, and my degree was complete. Summer came, and […]

Better Together, Emma and Richard Branson

Yesterday, as always, I had a splendid day in London. I jumped on a Boris Bike near St Pancras and headed to The British Museum. I have never stepped foot in here before and I don’t know why. The artefacts on show are overwhelming. Then I jumped on another Boris Bike and headed towards Westminster, […]

Cycling 111 miles

Yesterday I cycled 85 miles ish from Wellingborough to London! I forgot to check my odometer as I arrived and only checked it after I took part in Critical Mass. I met up with Tom and then we all cycled for hours. I left around 10.50pm. All in all, yesterday I travelled 111 miles, for […]

World Naked Bike Ride 2014

Better late than never!  I have finally got round to editing together all of the footage I had taken during the World Naked Bike Ride in London.  It took place on Saturday 14th June which was, coincidentally, the Queen’s Birthday Parade.  My friend and I went down to London and naturally went to watch the […]

Samuel Shoesmith graduated from the University of Nottingham

Life update

Long time no update. Time flies. Since I finished at University I have been on holiday with Sophie to visit my friend Amy in Grenoble, France. It was a lovely break away after the final stretch of university. Weather was lovely! As I said in my last vlog, I cycled with no clothes on through central […]

2014-06-02 – Naked Bike Ride and Critical Mass – Vlog 23 by Samuel Shoesmith

On Friday 14th June I will be riding a bicycle through central London with no clothes on. I’ll be taking part in the annual World Naked Bike Ride.  It’s a ride against oil dependency, against car culture, for the love of the body and for cycling safety. I’ll be using this as an opportunity to […]

2014-02-21 – Wooden Chocolate Factory – Vlog 22 by Samuel Shoesmith

On Friday 21st February, for a module called Technology, Material Change and Social Change, a group of us students and Dr David Parker went to visit Fairdinkum Furniture / Outback and Deli-Cious Chocolate in Sherwood.  The intention was to see how objects are made and fashioned into a final product from raw materials.  As with […]

2014-02-04 – Happy Birthday Facebook!

Ten years ago Facebook was founded. I am someone who has posted a few times in the past attempting to lure people to other social networks (mainly Google+) so would not seem a likely person to sing Facebook’s praises.  But that is exactly what I am going to do. As shown in Mark Zuckerberg’s post, the […]

2014-01-02 – Brain angiogram – Vlog 21 by Samuel Shoesmith

A very Happy New Year.  Here’s my new video.  Like and comment please!

2013-11-28 – Christmas in a Day

Hello, Yesterday, Tiffany and I were invited to see the film premiere of  ‘Christmas in a Day’ in BAFTA, Piccadilly. Why were we invited? Well, we were in it.  Just before Christmas Day 2012, I heard about a project called ‘Christmas in a Day’.  I had heard about and submitted footage for ‘Britain in a […]

2013-11-28 – URN at the SRAs in London – Vlog 19 by Samuel Shoesmith

University Radio Nottingham went down to Student Radio Awards sponsored by BBC Radio 1. Here’s the vlog of the day:

2013-11-17 – Happy Bikeday Sam! – Vlog 18 by Samuel Shoesmith

Some of the thing I got up to this summer.

Happy Anniversary to me

Happy Anniversary to me!  Opps.  I talked about it on Google Plus, Facebook and on Twitter yesterday but I forgot to talk about it here. Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of my brain haemorrhage!  Six whole years.  Wow!   As I do each year, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to […]

2013-10-22 – Memory is great

Memory. I love memories. Memories of experiences throughout our lives make for great, well rounded individuals. Life needs to be full of out-there experiences and that’s what I am trying to do. It’s all fine sitting at the computer or reading something and staying inside your bubble but sometimes you need to enter the real […]