2013-09-30 – 30 days hath September

Oh dear. I have fallen into the trap again. Letting my time slip by and not having any evidence that I have done anything productive. Over the next few weeks, I shall compile some clips from my summer holidays. Whilst it was still September, I thought I would post something on here. It’s not creative […]

2013-08-13 – Jobs

Hello, Long time no post.  Again.  I seem to say that a lot.  Life is too rich to remember to do this and remember to do that.  Life needs to be experienced, and noted some of the time. I have just seen this film trailer for ‘Jobs Official American Legend’ and I do really want […]

2013-07-17 – London – Boris biking – Vlog 17 by Samuel Shoesmith

Again, I’m going with “better late than never”.

2013-07-13 – Party in the Park – chilled afternoon – Vlog 16

2013-07-10 – Vinspired Live – Vlog 15 by Samuel Shoesmith

2013-06-10 – URN Boat Cruise

2013-06-06 – A day of Bs – Vlog 13 by Samuel Shoesmith

A little late.  I know, I know.  Sorry.  But here it is:

2013-06-05 – MRI check up – Vlog 12 by Samuel Shoesmith

Yesterday I went for a routine MRI check up at John Radcliffe Hospital.  It was the first time I filmed it.  And the first time I completely watched the catheter being fitted.  He couldn’t find the vein straight away.  Ahhhh   So, that was my Tuesday 4th June.

2013-05-29 – The start of summer!

It is past midnight.  My exam was officially yesterday.  It’s gone.  It’s over with.  Wooo. Let the summer commence! Woooooohooooooooooooo! I am going to make the most of this summer.  Haven’t got many set-plans but I know I am going to have a brilliant time.  Brilliant because I will do what I want to do. […]

2013-05-20 – The brain is wonderful

Hello, Earlier on, I had my first exam.  Beforehand, I was ‘shitting it’.  I really thought I hadn’t retained any information.  I have spent a long time revising.  After looking at my gathered information time and time again, I just didn’t think I would remember it. As I finished, I came out into the fresh […]

2013-05-06 – You’re Fired – Vlog 11 by Samuel Shoesmith

I went to Leicester to visit Tom, to London to watch The Apprentice: You’re Fired and back to Leicester to visit Dylan and Dalton.   After the show, Tiffany and I got to meet Dara O’Brien and have a photo with him.  Here they are:  

2013-04-28 – Iron Castle Party – Vlog 10 by Samuel Shoesmith

Hello! Forgot to post this on here.  Here it is:

2013-04-20 – Horse DRAMA, George and June – Vlog 9 by Samuel Shoesmith

Here’s what I was up to yesterday.  Horse drama then St. George’s Day Celebrations: Sam 🙂

2013-04-16 – Badminton time

After looking and looking and looking at my essay (which is due next week) and not getting very far with it, I decided to go and play some badminton with my sister and some friends.  

2013-04-08 – Goodbye MSN messenger

Hello, Today sees the curtain drawn for the once popular service, MSN, later re-branded as Windows Live Messenger.  Microsoft have decided to focus their attention on their acquisition of Skype.  I’m a big fan of Skype.  Never would I have dreamt Microsoft would be the owners of this service?!  MSN and Skype were competitors and I tried […]

2013-03-25 – Boris Johnson : The Irresistible Rise

Hello,   Currently going out now on BBC Two and tonight at 11.20pm on BBC HD is the new documentary by Michael Cockerell called ‘Boris Johnson: The Irresistible Rise’. Cockerell came to the University of Nottingham last month and gave an open lecture on his documentary.  It was a fascinating talk.  The focus, of course, […]

2013-03-24 – Samuel Shoesmith’s Trip to London

Samuel Shoesmith’s trip to the BBC Television Centre – Vlog 7

2013-02-14 – It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Hi, I’ll openly admit I didn’t understand eating disorders. I didn’t comprehend both anorexia or bulimia. I have had little contact with others who had the illnesses. Only whilst I was in hospital one time, a guy with anorexia in the bed next to me was getting very vocally agitated. After intense negotiations with the […]

Brain Doctors on BBC Two: Surgeon Jay Jayamohan

2013-02-10 – Brain Doctors

Hello! It’s been a long time since I last blogged. It’s been ever longer since I last vlogged. What’s going on?! That will soon change. Especially when I hit the ‘Publish’ button on here. A vlog is in the works. Well . . . kind of. Anyway: Today I want to talk about a fly-on-the-wall […]

2012-01-23 – Cameron’s announcement of a referendum

  Today David Cameron pledged to give the British public ‘their say’ on our membership of the European Union.  It was promised that it would be held before 2018. Excellent!  I hear you say.  Well, if you are a Eurosceptic.  No, if you are a Europhile.  What?!  I hear you say.  If we think back […]