Yesterday was the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Within the last two hours both within a mile of my home, there have been two separate crashes. One involving three cars. One involving an unknown number of cars and a motorbike. Reports are looking bad for the motorcyclist. Think of the devastation to […]
Today is the 50th anniversary of The Stonewall Riots. Half a century ago, in the early hours of this morning, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar in the gay area of New York and then faced an almighty backlash. This spurred the gay liberation and Pride movements over the succeeding decades. Raids in gay […]
Every year since 2014, I have cycled in the London part of the World Naked Bike Ride. This year, like usual, I stripped off and cycled in the capital back on Saturday 8th June 2019 with hundreds and hundreds of other cyclists. But this year, on the following day I then cycled in the Brighton […]
I sometimes think that everything is sorted and well. There now is no need to campaign for equality or to even celebrate what has been achieved because, well, everything is equal, nice, and everyone is open minded, respectful and gets along with each other, right? This is not the case. During the latter event I […]
My blog posts are like buses. You wait for ages for one to come along and then two come along at once. Like my previous blog post, I went to Parliament again. But this time to attend a UNISON reception to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the minimum wage and to launch […]
During the first month of any year, I have this feeling that I am not going to do enough. I know exactly where this feeling comes from. For the last handful of years, I have put up a fresh wall planner as we enter the New Year, so being able to see all the crossed […]
For the past year and a bit, as with most things, I start and then I pause and then continue and then pause, and then forget. I have the energy (pun intended) to do and to create but I spread it so thinly that often the results are questionable at best. It makes me feel […]
I often start my Happy New Year post by saying the year just gone has been “great”, “special” or even “wonderful”, but 2018 has been marked by a devastating loss and it has overshadowed the good times. However, these good times do need to be revisited as now is the time to reflect on the […]
Dear Diary, I wrote this piece and forgot to publish it. I had some other more pressing things on. I just checked through my drafts and here was the article I had written a few months ago. I suppose the benefit of publishing it now is that as I re-read this and voice record it […]
Yesterday I attended the National Funeral for the Unknown Cyclist and the first UK pedal on Parliament organised by group Stop Killing Cyclists. It has been in my calendar for months and months. I really wanted to go but owing to some important matters at home, I nearly didn’t attend. I am pleased I nipped down […]
On Sunday 2nd September I cycled from Wellingborough to Oxford. I’ve made this journey back in 2015 when I visited Giles Gear for his Birthday. Back then I used some country roads getting out of Northampton and then hit the A43. I know, from experience, that if I were to take the whole left […]
A week and a bit ago I wanted to go somewhere new. I do enjoy Gay Pride events. Therefore I wanted to mix the two so I scrolled through a website which listed all of the year’s Pride events in a big table to see if anytook my fancy. Leeds caught my attention but I […]
[WARNING: the subject matter of this post is not suitable for children] Some of the facts I mention below may have blurred slightly. I watched the case for three consecutive days without making a note, as I don’t think it is allowed, unless permission from the judge is granted beforehand. I am writing this post […]
I wanted to share some photos on here. On Friday 13th July 2018, I attended the anti-Trump protest in London. As well as this sharing of my photos on my website, I felt compelled to write about it and I am not entirely sure why. As per usual, I cycled from my home to Wellingborough […]
I haven’t posted here on my website for so long. Crryyyy. Why? I don’t know. Well, I do. I have been doing things. Ok, that sounds loose. And the other reason is that I always think that producing anything takes so long. Imagine the editing and editing and editing that goes into producing anything […]
The sun is finally here. I have been waiting for such a long time for better weather. Cycling in the wind, rain, sleet or snow is not the best. But I don’t let it put me off. The sun is now beating down, with clear blue skies, and no wind and it makes me feel […]
A few weeks ago, I went and watched my first ever magistrates’ court case. Strangely, I have watched parts of some more considerable cases at the Royal Courts of Justice, but I have never attended my local courts; neither the magistrates’ or crown. My interest in local justice was piqued when I had to call […]
On Wednesday 7th February 2018, I received a call back from the control room of Northamptonshire Police about a close pass I reported on 2nd February. I answered the call feeling optimistic and hopeful; I’ve reported a few instances of close passes over the years and slowly but surely the responses seemed to be getting […]
On the last day of every year I write down my New Year’s Resolutions. The list is usually quite long. Most of them are quite vague – such as “be happy”, “be content”, but some are more direct. “Make more videos” – although still slightly vague – the fact is, more than 0 is 1, […]
Happy New Year everyone! It is now 2018! Wooah. 2017 was generally a great year! A few blips. Enormous thanks go to everyone who made it wonderful and supported me. I am someone who really focusses on connections. An act, gesture, or spoken word, even if it was tiny, would have really made an impact. […]