This coming Friday, the 31st July 2020 it is Wellingborough’s first ever Critical Mass. This is a big group cycle ride to celebrate cycling but also to protest for change. This morning I was on BBC Radio Northampton (@2:11:39) to discuss cycling in Wellingborough. Yesterday I did the same for the BBC News website. At […]
It came as a great surprise and delight that last month, whilst browsing BBC iPlayer, I stumbled upon the final one-off episode of, ‘Child Of Our Time’. I was elated to see this programme it was a much needed for follow up of these children, well, now adults. Every so often over the course of 2018 […]
It was announced a few days ago that Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP, will be made available on the NHS from next month. This antiretroviral medicine, if taken every day, can almost completely stop any acquired transmission of HIV during unprotected sex. It feels fitting that I write a piece about HIV in a climate where […]
Go out and vote. I am writing this on the evening of Wednesday 11th December. A while ago, I went to put some rubbish in the bins and looked up in the night sky. It is cold tonight, it is crisp and completely clear. It is a full moon. Its brightness made me stare and […]
For the past year and a bit, as with most things, I start and then I pause and then continue and then pause, and then forget. I have the energy (pun intended) to do and to create but I spread it so thinly that often the results are questionable at best. It makes me feel […]
I often start my Happy New Year post by saying the year just gone has been “great”, “special” or even “wonderful”, but 2018 has been marked by a devastating loss and it has overshadowed the good times. However, these good times do need to be revisited as now is the time to reflect on the […]
On this day, around this time, one decade ago, I had a brain haemorrhage. Every year, it is important to me to take the opportunity to thank all those who helped saved my life and who have helped and supported me. To my sister, Tiffany, who was with me and raised the alarm, to my […]
I think I dislike change. Whenever a proposal to change something comes along, I have a tendency to cast a negative eye in the direction of said change and I do certainly try to resist the idea. In the vast majority of cases, I do actually end up liking the change. In the most part, […]