John Radcliffe Archives -

Time-lapse – Cycled from Wellingborough to Oxford

 On Sunday 2nd September I cycled from Wellingborough to Oxford. I’ve made this journey back in 2015 when I visited Giles Gear for his Birthday.  Back then I used some country roads getting out of Northampton and then hit the A43.  I know, from experience, that if I were to take the whole left […]

2013-06-05 – MRI check up – Vlog 12 by Samuel Shoesmith

Yesterday I went for a routine MRI check up at John Radcliffe Hospital.  It was the first time I filmed it.  And the first time I completely watched the catheter being fitted.  He couldn’t find the vein straight away.  Ahhhh   So, that was my Tuesday 4th June.