December! The month started off slow but with social engagements starting to happen in quick succession it soon shot by and within the blink of an eye the month has gone. I booked the 24th off of work and got the train from Nottingham to Manchester and then bus to Tiff’s. For the first time, we spent Christmas Day together there and it was so lovely. We opened presents, cooked Christmas dinner and then watched some television. On Boxing Day morning, we headed down to our family home of Wellingborough. Whilst here we went to see my Mum’s brother, cousins and some friends. It is a great time to catch up and think about the year gone by. Tomorrow is the start of 2025. Whilst still in 2024, here are some photos.
The month there were quite a few visits to the gym, some running, cycling as always, a few takeaways, social engagements, and then the Christmas holidays. I found the time towards the end of the month, whilst at my family home, warped so much. Back to reality and the start of 2025 tomorrow!
Samuel x